一个用于显示覆盖加载指示器的 NativeScript 插件。
npm i --save @essent/nativescript-loading-indicator


nativescript-loading-indicator 是一个 NativeScript 插件,可以在当前页面上覆盖加载指示器。例如,当从 API 获取数据时,可以用来防止用户与 UI 交互,同时通知用户正在发生某些操作。


tns plugin add nativescript-loading-indicator


var LoadingIndicator = require("nativescript-loading-indicator").LoadingIndicator;

// or with TypeScript:
// import {LoadingIndicator} from "nativescript-loading-indicator";

var loader = new LoadingIndicator();

// optional options
// android and ios have some platform specific options
var options = {
message: 'Loading...',
progress: 0.65,
android: {
indeterminate: true,
cancelable: false,
max: 100,
progressNumberFormat: "%1d/%2d",
progressPercentFormat: 0.53,
progressStyle: 1,
secondaryProgress: 1
ios: {
details: "Additional detail note!",
margin: 10,
dimBackground: true,
color: "#4B9ED6", // color of indicator and labels
// background box around indicator
// hideBezel will override this if true
backgroundColor: "yellow",
hideBezel: true, // default false, can hide the surrounding bezel
view: UIView, // Target view to show on top of (Defaults to entire window)
mode: // see iOS specific options below

loader.show(options); // options is optional

// Do whatever it is you want to do while the loader is showing, then



  • message: string 您的消息!
  • progress: number 设置进度显示

Android 特定

  • 参考:https://developer.android.com.cn/intl/zh-tw/reference/android/app/ProgressDialog.html

iOS 特定

  • 参考:https://github.com/jdg/MBProgressHUD/blob/master/Demo/Classes/MBHudDemoViewController.m

快速 模式 参考

  • MBProgressHUDModeDeterminate
  • MBProgressHUDModeAnnularDeterminate
  • MBProgressHUDModeDeterminateHorizontalBar
  • MBProgressHUDModeText
  • MBProgressHUDModeCustomView
    • customView: string 一起使用 - 图像文件的本地路径


Loading indicator on iOS Loading indicator on Android